
What kind of 20th century vehicle is the Milennium Falcon? - milleniumfalcon starwars nerdery

Post 290223 by moonlight on vermont deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry, this is classic Chatfilter. Fun, but doesn't fit here. -- restless_nomad


I have ruined my life - mentalhealth PTSD brother

Post 290135 by thereemix deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Should I quit my job without another lined up? - work boss coworkers

Post 290108 by Autumn deleted for the following reason: Sorry, posts discussing suicide are against guidelines -- taz


"Your money or your cat": the ethics of a veterinary policy? - cats

Post 290094 by Creosote deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the late delete on this, but "what do you think of the policy?" is heavy chatfilter / debatefilter -- taz



Safeguarding Intellectual Property in a Southeast Asian frontier market - Thailand Intellectualproperty iplaw

Post 290010 by cryptolex deleted for the following reason: OP, please check your email -- taz

Received friend request from ex I haven't talked to in 5 years - relationship etiquette friendship

Post 290033 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: It's not clear if there's a question here beyond the overly general "what do you guys think about me talking to this guy again" thing, which is more chatfilter than Ask. -- cortex


Help me deal with being perma-single - dateless

Post 289744 by Soap D. Spencer deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is exactly the same as your previous deleted question -- restless_nomad

Generalized Anxiety Disorder ruined my relationship - anxietydisorder GAD pain

Post 289741 by Toahthoy deleted for the following reason: Hey, per my email, this really needs to be edited down to work, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Mata Hari Information Needed - WWI strip tease

Post 289735 by sunnyblues48 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this seems like a "google it" situation. AskMetafilter is really a resource to try after you've already done your own research, it's not a way to get homework answers or to skip doing your own searching. -- LobsterMitten


Male friend rejected me. How do I get over not feeling good enough? - friendship love

Post 289678 by Ariel432 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, AskMe isn't for relationship play-by-play of this sort. Your question from last week is still open, go ahead and put this update in there. -- LobsterMitten


Who killed Estelle Greyson? - Murder fiction whodunit

Post 289618 by doctor tough love deleted for the following reason: Not sure what this is, but it isn't an Ask Metafilter question -- taz


Should I ask this guy what he's looking for? - dating relationship date

Post 289428 by missybitsy deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, but ongoing play-by-play relationship updates aren't really what AskMe is for. You can post a version of this in your last thread about the same guy, if you want. -- LobsterMitten


Circuit breaker won't switch back on - Breakerbox homerepair electricity

Post 289364 by *s deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Hypercoaguable states - medicine thrombus formation

Post 289391 by sunnyblues48 deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry if this isn't applicable, but this sounds like homeworkfilter, which isn't allowed on AskMe -- let us know within the next hour or so if there's something else going on. -- LobsterMitten

Help me deal with being perma-single - dateless lonely

Post 289389 by Soap D. Spencer deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way, but this kind of "help me give up" question doesn't really work on AskMe. -- LobsterMitten


Do most parents order kids around randomly? - chores

Post 289340 by serena15221 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this question is overbroad and chatty, and won't work here. -- restless_nomad


Help I'm getting email for my same name but in Wales.

Post 289275 by Freedomboy deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry you're dealing with this and hopefully some of the answers so far will be helpful, but more generally "mefimail me and call someone" isn't really an okay Ask MetaFilter question. -- cortex


What's biting me?

Post 289226 by trixie119 deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad